dry eye
Find relief at Focal Point Optometry
Dry eye disease, more broadly called ocular surface disease, affects millions of Americans. Ocular surface diseases cause a variety of issues for patients ranging from mild discomfort to sight-threatening dryness of the surface of the eye.
Because this condition is often progressive, it is vital to treat Dry Eye Disease as early as possible and have regular doctor visits to ensure complications or damage to the eye or vision do not occur.
The doctors at Focal Point Optometry are experts in diagnosing and managing dry eye. There are many different types of dry eye, and different treatment modalities for each type,
In-Office Treatment
There are various treatment methods offered at Fiat Lux Optometry, depending on the type of dry eye that you have. During your comprehensive eye exam, the doctor will assess your eyes to determine the cause of your dryness, and recommend treatment as appropriate. Some in-office procedures include…
TearCare is an in-office application of heat therapy in adults patients with the most common type of dry eye, evaporative dry eye. There are glands in your eyelids that normally produce a protective oil layer for your tear film. In evaporative dry eye, these glands are clogged and no longer producing a sufficient oil layer. With TearCare, heat is applied to the glands and then each the glands are expressed manually by the doctor.
Punctal plugs can be inserted into the tear ducts for patients with aqueous deficient dry eye. Aqueous deficient dry eye is a type of dry eye where the oil layer is sufficient, but there isn’t enough of the water layer to protect. This type of dry eye is more common in those with autoimmune diseases, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjögren’s Syndrome, Thyroid Disease and Lupus.